Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)

The Government of India passed the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 in September 2005. The Act gives legal guarantee of a hundred days of wage employment in a financial year for a rural household whose adult members are willing to do unskilled manual work. Implementation of the Act calls for the formulation of National Rural Employment Guarantee Schemes by the State Government. The State has notified the Scheme under the act, known as the Meghalaya Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme on July 28, 2006. The scheme marks a paradigm shift from all the earlier employment programmes. The scheme is being implemented as Centrally Sponsored Scheme on a cost sharing basis between Centre and State in the ratio of 90:10. As per instruction by the GOI, the State in 2011 had created a society namely the State Rural Employment Society (SRES) headed by the Mission Director to oversee the overall implementation of the scheme.
Rural Households
Guaranteed Wage Employment of 100 Days in one Financial Year