The office of the Deputy Commissioner, West Khasi Hills District started functioning right from the date of its attaining the district-hood i.e, 28th-October-1976. At that time, the G.A.D. Quarters were used as its office building. However, at present the office is functioning in its own complex amidst lush vegetation of cherry and pine trees.With the main objective of bringing the district administration closer to the people, DC’s establishment deals on subject matters relating to activities like Housing, Supply, Relief, Registration, Planning, Development, Election, Excise, Revenue matters including the activities of the DRDA and the DSC. Currently, the DC is being assisted, at different level of executive functions by three Additional Deputy Commissioners, three Extra Assistant Commissioners, Deputy Director of Supply, District Housing Officer, Research Officer, District Informatics Officer, Executive Engineer, and a number of Assistants both technical and magisterial.

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Housing / District Housing Officer
HOUSING: The Housing branch is being run under the charge of the DHO who supervises all the housing programmes like RHS, EWS, LIGP, etc. Under the infrastructure development scheme, land measuring 1.10 Acres have been acquired for construction of departmental buildings and the construction works is in progress under EWS and LIGP, the target from 1988-89 upto 93-94 is 1,502 whereas the achievement is only 802. The shortfall in achievement is attributed to the financial constraints during the recent past.
Planning / Research Officer
PLANNING: With the objective for decentralisation of the planning process the District Planning organisation is currently being run by the District Planning Officer (of the IAS/ MCS cadre) with the help of RO and RA’s. The organisation is engaged in activities of formulation of annual plan and five year plan, review of plan schemes, evaluations and minitoring of developmental schemes, coordination and other allied matters. The organisation is also recently engaged in implementing the schemes of Science and Technology Cell of the Planning department for popularisation of science and technology in the district. Under the banner of “West Khasi Hills District Science Club”, which was formed in 1992 with the DC as the President and representatives of all educational institutions as members, various science popularisation schemes in the form of competitions, fairs , exposure trips for school children have been organized.
Treasury / District Treasury Officer
TREASURY: There are two banking treasuries at Nongstoin & Mairang and one non-banking treasury at Mawkyrwat each headed by the Treasury Officer drawn from the MFS cadre. All government transactions, bills and cheques are being passed for payment by the Treasury Officer with the help of the Accountant and bill assistants.
All the three treasuries have their own strong room for keeping stamps etc. and are also being used for safe custody of important government articles like ballot boxes and ballot papers, public examination question papers, whenever necessary. Government stamps like non-judicial, court-fee and revenue are also made available for sale at the treasuries.
Supply / Superintendent of Supply
SUPPLY: The Supply branch is looked after by the DDS with the help of one Inspector and three SI’s. As the position stands today, the public distribution system has wholesalerships and fair-price-shops dealerships spread throughout the district for ensuring supply of essential commodities at subsidised rate to the rural population.
Development / ADC
DEVELOPMENT: Significant part of the District Administration is focused on developmental activities. The organisational set up in the development sector is headed by the DC and assisted by the ADC (Dev) in the District Head Quarter and by the BDO’s at the Six block Head Quarters at Nongstoin, Mairang, Mawkyrwat, Mawshynrut, Ranikor and Kynshi. Each BDO in turn is assisted by technical extension officers drawn from various departments such as Agriculture, Veterinary, Statistics, etc. Formulation of technical plans and estimates at Block level is looked after by subordinate Engineers and Sectional Assts.. Each Block is divided into fifteen Gram Sevak Circles under the charge of the Gram Sevak. Another important wing of the developmental set-up is the DRDA which is an autonomous agency with the Deputy Commissioner as its Chairman and the Project Director from the ADC level. The Project Director is assisted by the Executive Engineer and the Subordinate Engineer on one hand and by a number of Assistant Project Officers in-charge of DWCRA and Monitoring, etc. on the other
National Informatics Center / District Informatics Officer
NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE: The District Unit of NIC, attached to the Deputy Commissioner’s Office is of immense help in various works. Several Central and State projects/ Programmes / Schemes are programmed and processed with the help of the NIC personnel. Internet connection is also available at present where emailing facility is utilised to send & receive important messages. Different branches in the Office use the Computer in various works. Data-base records and text records are fed and retrieved whenever needed. The unit is currently run by the DIO, with the help of the DIA and DC’s office staff.