DSC: Gram Sevak 2020 Rejected List
Publish: 23/08/2022
DSC: Gram Sevak 2020 Eligible List
Publish: 23/08/2022
CBRC: DSWO Results
Publish: 17/08/2022
DCPO: Protection Officer Rejection List
Publish: 12/08/2022
CBRW Results Written Test
Publish: 02/08/2022
Covid Ordar 245
Publish: 02/08/2022
DSWO: Written Test Result CBRW
Publish: 15/07/2022
DSWO: Advertisement
Publish: 05/07/2022
DSWO: Pynkynriah Eksamin
Publish: 07/06/2022
This is for general information of all concerned that the Written Test for the Post of Community Based Rehabilitation Worker (CBRW) under District Social Welfare Office NPRPD scheme, advertised vide No.DSWO(N)PH.16/Pt.ll/201811116-1119, Dated: Nongstoin, the 15th November,2021 is re-scheduled as follows:-