
Ki jingpynrung kam

Ki jingpynrung kam
Ka kyrteng jingbatai Tarik Sdang Tarik Kut Ka File
Ka list jong ki candidates kiba shah reject bad shah jied jong ka post LOWER DIVISION ASSISTANT CUM TYPIST [APRIL 2018] hapoh ka DSC


22/05/2019 22/06/2019 Ban peit (1 MB) LOWER DIVISION ASSISTANT CUM TYPIST [APRIL- 2018] (654 KB)
Admit Card download Jong ki post Sectional Assistant[Sept – 2017] bad Revenue Enforcement Checker[Sept – 2017] hapoh ka DSC

Ki nong appli ia ki post Sectional Assistant bad Revenue Enforcement Checker hapoh jong ka DSC ki lah ban download ia ki admit card jong ki naka Portalhttp://

29/05/2019 08/06/2019 Ban peit (189 KB)
Ki list jong ki Candidates kiba shah jied bad shah reject jong ka post SECTIONAL ASSISTANT [SEPT-2017]


22/04/2019 31/05/2019 Ban peit (171 KB) List of rejected candidates for the post of SECTIONAL ASSISTANT-2017 (564 KB)
Ka notice jong kito kiba appli ia ka post FORESTER-I [SEPT-2017] bad ki list jong ki candidates kiba lah shah jied bad shah reject


22/04/2019 31/05/2019 Ban peit (132 KB) List of eligible candidates for the post of FORESTER-I (26 KB) List of rejected candidates for the post of FORESTER-I (201 KB)
Ki list jong ki Candidates kiba shah jied bad shah reject jong ka post REVENUE ENFORCEMENT CHECKER [SEPT-2017]


22/04/2019 31/05/2019 Ban peit (64 KB) List of Rejected Candidates for the post of List of eligible candidates for the post of REVENUE ENFORCEMENT CHECKER-2017 (228 KB)
Ki list jong ki candidates kiba shah jied bad shah reject jong ka post GRAM SEVAK [APRIL- 2018]


22/04/2019 31/05/2019 Ban peit (219 KB) List of rejected candidates for the post of GRAM SEVAK [APRIL- 2018] (665 KB)
Ki list jong ki candidates kiba shah jied bad shah reject jong ka post MILK COLLECTOR [APRIL- 2018]


22/04/2019 31/05/2019 Ban peit (81 KB) List of rejected candidates for the post of MILK COLLECTOR [APRIL- 2018] (553 KB)
Ka Notice ia ki candidates kiba appli ia ki post bapher bapher hapoh ka DSC ha u snem 2017-2018


22/04/2019 31/05/2019 Ban peit (108 KB)
Ki list jong ki candidate ba shah jied bad shah reject jong ka post GRAM SEVIKA [SEPT-2017]


22/04/2019 31/05/2019 Ban peit (52 KB) List of Rejected Candidates-Gram Sevika (763 KB)
Ka list jong ki candidates kiba lah shah jied jong ka post DIVISIONAL MECHANIC [SEPT-2017]


22/04/2019 30/04/2019 Ban peit (5 KB)