Ki jingpynrung kam
Ka kyrteng | jingbatai | Tarik Sdang | Tarik Kut | Ka File |
Ka list jong ki candidates kiba shah reject bad shah jied jong ka post LOWER DIVISION ASSISTANT CUM TYPIST [APRIL 2018] hapoh ka DSC | ————————————————————————————————— |
22/05/2019 | 22/06/2019 | Ban peit (1 MB) LOWER DIVISION ASSISTANT CUM TYPIST [APRIL- 2018] (654 KB) |
Admit Card download Jong ki post Sectional Assistant[Sept – 2017] bad Revenue Enforcement Checker[Sept – 2017] hapoh ka DSC | Ki nong appli ia ki post Sectional Assistant bad Revenue Enforcement Checker hapoh jong ka DSC ki lah ban download ia ki admit card jong ki naka Portalhttp:// |
29/05/2019 | 08/06/2019 | Ban peit (189 KB) |
Ki list jong ki Candidates kiba shah jied bad shah reject jong ka post SECTIONAL ASSISTANT [SEPT-2017] | ————————————————————————————————— |
22/04/2019 | 31/05/2019 | Ban peit (171 KB) List of rejected candidates for the post of SECTIONAL ASSISTANT-2017 (564 KB) |
Ka notice jong kito kiba appli ia ka post FORESTER-I [SEPT-2017] bad ki list jong ki candidates kiba lah shah jied bad shah reject | ————————————————————————————————— |
22/04/2019 | 31/05/2019 | Ban peit (132 KB) List of eligible candidates for the post of FORESTER-I (26 KB) List of rejected candidates for the post of FORESTER-I (201 KB) |
Ki list jong ki Candidates kiba shah jied bad shah reject jong ka post REVENUE ENFORCEMENT CHECKER [SEPT-2017] | ————————————————————————————————— |
22/04/2019 | 31/05/2019 | Ban peit (64 KB) List of Rejected Candidates for the post of List of eligible candidates for the post of REVENUE ENFORCEMENT CHECKER-2017 (228 KB) |
Ki list jong ki candidates kiba shah jied bad shah reject jong ka post GRAM SEVAK [APRIL- 2018] | ————————————————————————————————— |
22/04/2019 | 31/05/2019 | Ban peit (219 KB) List of rejected candidates for the post of GRAM SEVAK [APRIL- 2018] (665 KB) |
Ki list jong ki candidates kiba shah jied bad shah reject jong ka post MILK COLLECTOR [APRIL- 2018] | ————————————————————————————————— |
22/04/2019 | 31/05/2019 | Ban peit (81 KB) List of rejected candidates for the post of MILK COLLECTOR [APRIL- 2018] (553 KB) |
Ka Notice ia ki candidates kiba appli ia ki post bapher bapher hapoh ka DSC ha u snem 2017-2018 | ————————————————————————————————— |
22/04/2019 | 31/05/2019 | Ban peit (108 KB) |
Ki list jong ki candidate ba shah jied bad shah reject jong ka post GRAM SEVIKA [SEPT-2017] | ————————————————————————————————— |
22/04/2019 | 31/05/2019 | Ban peit (52 KB) List of Rejected Candidates-Gram Sevika (763 KB) |
Ka list jong ki candidates kiba lah shah jied jong ka post DIVISIONAL MECHANIC [SEPT-2017] | ————————————————————————————————— |
22/04/2019 | 30/04/2019 | Ban peit (5 KB) |